How to Get Rid of Powdery Mildew on Plants

by Jack Grover
powdery mildew on plant leaf
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When you first catch sight of powdery mildew on your plants, that white, dusty fungus can be a shocking letdown. Unfortunately, it’s an all-too-common problem for gardeners and plant enthusiasts.

No matter where you are located or what types of plants you grow, it could also happen to you.

In this article, we’ll explore strategies to deal with powdery mildew effectively. You’ll learn how to identify the symptoms, implement cultural methods, and use natural remedies. We’ll even cover using chemical treatments if you deem that step necessary.

Plus, we’ll share preventative measures to avoid future outbreaks and keep your plants healthy and flourishing.

Let’s get started.

Identifying Powdery Mildew Symptoms

It’s important to be able to identify the symptoms of powdery mildew so that you can take appropriate action.

Look for splotches of white to gray growth on the tops of leaves, buds, and new stems. Pay attention to any distortion or wilting of leaves, as this can be a sign of infection. Infected buds may also fail to open up.

Remember that nearly any kind of plant can get powdery mildew, so it’s crucial to monitor all your plants for signs of this disease.

Cultural Methods for Controlling Powdery Mildew

To control powdery mildew on your plants, ensure good air circulation by spacing them adequately. This is important because powdery mildew thrives in crowded plantings with poor air movement.

When plants are too close together, air cannot flow freely, creating a favorable environment for powdery mildew to grow.

Additionally, avoid planting in low and shady areas, as these conditions also contribute to the development of powdery mildew.

Natural Remedies for Treating Powdery Mildew

person spraying on plant

When treating powdery mildew, you can try using natural remedies that are effective in controlling the fungal disease.

Here are three natural remedies you can use to combat powdery mildew on your plants:

1. Neem oil

Neem oil is a natural pesticide that can help control powdery mildew. It works by disrupting the life cycle of the fungus and preventing its spread. Dilute neem oil with water and spray it on the affected plants.

2. Baking soda

Baking soda is another effective remedy for powdery mildew. Mix one tablespoon of baking soda with one gallon of water and spray the solution on the infected plants. The alkaline properties of baking soda help to neutralize the pH level on the plant’s surface, making it less favorable for the fungus to grow.

3. Milk

Believe it or not, milk can also treat powdery mildew. Mix one part of the milk with nine parts of water and spray it on the affected plants. The proteins in milk have antifungal properties that can help control the spread of powdery mildew.

Chemical Treatments for Eliminating Powdery Mildew

Chemical treatments effectively control powdery mildew and can help prevent further spread of the disease.

chemical spraying in green tree leaves

One option is to use fungicides specifically formulated for powdery mildew control. These fungicides contain active ingredients that target and kill the fungus. Make sure to carefully follow the instructions on the product label for proper application.

Another option is to use systemic fungicides, which are absorbed by the plant and provide long-lasting protection against powdery mildew. These fungicides work from within the plant to control the disease.

It’s worth noting that chemical treatments should be used as a last resort and only when natural remedies have failed to control the powdery mildew.

Always use caution when handling and applying chemical treatments, and follow safety guidelines to protect yourself and the environment.

Preventative Measures to Avoid Powdery Mildew Recurrence

For effective prevention of powdery mildew recurrence, make sure you choose plant varieties that are resistant to this fungal disease.

Besides that, here are three key measures you can take to avoid powdery mildew coming back:

1. Improve air circulation: As mentioned earlier, proper spacing between plants allows for better air circulation, reducing the chances of powdery mildew growth. Avoid overcrowding and ensure there is enough space for air to flow freely.

2. Provide adequate sunlight: Powdery mildew thrives in shaded areas. Plant your garden in locations with ample sunlight to discourage the growth of this fungal disease.

3. Water plants at the base: Overhead watering can create a humid environment that favors powdery mildew. Instead, water plants at the base to keep foliage dry and discourage the growth of this fungal disease.


Managing and preventing powdery mildew requires regular inspection of plants, timely use of natural or chemical treatments, and cultural practices.

Remember, maintaining the overall health of your garden is crucial in preventing any plant disease, including powdery mildew.

Follow these guidelines, and you’ll be well-equipped to handle any future outbreaks of this pesky fungal disease.


Can powdery mildew spread from plant to plant?

Yes, it can. Powdery mildew spreads through spores, which can easily be transmitted from one plant to another via wind.

Is it necessary to remove plant parts that are affected by powdery mildew?

It’s wise to remove plant parts severely affected by powdery mildew to prevent the spreading of the disease to healthy areas of the plant.

Can powdery mildew harm humans or pets?

While powdery mildew does not seriously threaten humans or pets, it may cause minor allergic reactions in some people or animals.

Is powdery mildew seasonal, or can it occur at any time of the year?

Powdery mildew can occur at any time. It’s more prevalent in warm, dry climates and often surfaces more in the spring and fall. 

Can indoor plants also get powdery mildew?

Yes, powdery mildew can also affect indoor plants, especially if they are kept in a humid environment with poor air circulation.

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