Top 10 Hanging Succulents To Add To Your Collection

by Jack Grover
Hanging Succulents
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Looking to add some charm to your collection of plants? Consider hanging succulents.

Putting these trailing plants at a blank window is an easy way to enhance its appeal.

Another excellent location for your trailing succulents is the bathroom.

Often, this space lacks vibrancy and life. Adding a few plants can instantly inject a sense of vitality and freshness into it.

This article will introduce you to the top 10 hanging succulents that are sure to captivate your heart.

On our list, you’ll find well-known options like the String of Pearls and Burro’s Tail, as well as more intriguing choices, such as the String of Bananas and Ruby Necklace.

Let’s dive in and discover how to care for these plants!

What Are Hanging Succulents?

Hanging succulents, with their cascading vines and vibrant foliage, are a beautiful addition to any indoor or outdoor space. These unique plants have stems that trail over the sides of their pots, creating a stunning display of greenery.

Succulent plants are known for their thick, fleshy leaves that store moisture. This feature makes them drought-tolerant and low-maintenance.

Still, they require well-draining soil and prefer bright indirect sunlight.

There are many types of hanging succulents to choose from, each with its unique characteristics.

How to Care for Hanging Succulents?

Succulent plants thrive in bright light, so placing your hanging succulents where they can receive adequate sunlight is crucial.

Make sure all parts of the plant, including the top portion, are exposed to light. Avoid hanging your plants above a window, where only the hanging stems receive light, as it may cause the top part of the plant to stop producing new growth.

In terms of soil, using a cactus or succulent growing mix is recommended.

If you’re new to succulent gardening, a basic soil mix to consider is a blend of two parts sand, two parts potting soil, and one part perlite or pumice. This formula provides optimal drainage for these desert-dwelling plants, preventing the roots from staying overly saturated and potentially rotting.

However, this ratio isn’t set in stone. As with any gardening endeavor, it’s about reading your plants’ signs and adjusting to meet their individual needs. Don’t be afraid to experiment with changing proportions over time until you hit the perfect balance.

When it comes to watering your hanging succulents, avoid following a strict schedule. Instead, water them when the soil is dry, about an inch or two down. You can use your finger as a gauge for soil moisture.

Peperomia Hope

Peperomia Hope

The Peperomia Hope plant is perfect for hanging pots or displaying on a plant stand.

This trailing plant has round green leaves with light green striping. The leaves vary in size between 1 and 2.5 inches.

The Peperomia Hope grows about 8 inches wide and 12 inches long, making it an ideal choice for adding dimension to your collection.

It is also relatively slow-growing, so you can enjoy its beauty for a long time without worrying about it outgrowing its space.

As an epiphyte plant, the Peperomia Hope benefits from filtered or indirect light.

To keep your Peperomia Hope healthy, use a well-draining growing medium. A mixture of equal parts potting mix and coconut coir bark works best for this succulent.

Burro’s Tail

Burro's Tail

The Sedum morganianum, also known as Burro’s Tail, is a stunning succulent that will captivate you with its long, luxurious stems and plump green leaves.

The leaves of the Burro’s Tail hang from the stem and overlap each other, creating a tail-like illusion. These leaves are green in color and have a waxy, pale blue powder on them.

It’s crucial to avoid touching the plant with your fingers as it can rub off this protective wax. Still, if you do accidentally touch it, there’s no need to worry, as the wax will quickly develop again.

While the Burro’s Tail seldom produces flowers, when it does, they are small, star-shaped, and unscented. The focus of this succulent is truly on its beautiful cascading foliage.

Caring for this succulent is relatively easy. It thrives in bright indirect sunlight and requires well-draining soil. Regular watering is necessary to keep the plant healthy but be sure not to overwater, as this can lead to root rot.

String of Pearls

String of Pearls

If you’re a fan of unique and eye-catching plants, String of Pearls is the succulent for you! This popular plant has long trailing stems adorned with round leaves that resemble strings of beads.

It’s a fast-growing succulent that can reach up to three feet in length.

To take good care of it, provide it with plenty of light.

Ideally, place it in an area with bright morning sun and indirect light during the rest of the day. Doing so will help ensure optimal growth and keep its vibrant green color intact.

Yet, be cautious not to expose it to too much direct sunlight as it can scorch its delicate leaves.

Like many other succulents, String of Pearls is drought-tolerant and doesn’t require frequent watering. Allow the soil to dry out completely between waterings, and then give it a thorough soak.

During winter or if you’re growing it indoors, reduce watering frequency even further.

The String of Pearls is relatively easy to propagate by taking stem cuttings and rooting them in potting mix or placing them in water until they develop roots.

Keep in mind that, like many other succulents, String of Pearls is toxic if ingested by humans or pets. So make sure to hang your plant out of reach or place it on high shelves where curious little hands or paws cannot get to it.

Calico Kitten

Calico Kitten

This variegated succulent, also known as Crassula pellucida ‘Variegata,’ is a true showstopper. Its attractive heart-shaped green leaves are edged in cream and pink, adding eye-popping color to your indoor garden.

The Calico Kitten is perfect for hanging baskets or trailing over the edges of pots. The upright stems eventually become heavy enough to trail, creating a cascading effect that adds depth and dimension to your plant collection.

It thrives in a window with the morning sun and bright indirect light in the afternoon. Because of that, an east-facing window is the ideal spot for this beauty.

Caring for the Calico Kitten is relatively easy. Water it when needed, but keep the soil quite dry between waterings as this succulent prefers well-draining soil.

Propagation can be done through stem cuttings, allowing you to expand your collection or share this stunning plant with friends and family.

String of Dolphins

String of Dolphins

The String of Dolphins, also known as Senecio peregrinus, is a small trailing succulent that grows about 6 inches tall and trails 2 to 3 feet. Its leaves are what make it truly special, as they resemble jumping dolphins with their flippers. Each leaf has a curved shape and pointed tips, creating a delightful display.

Keeping your String of Dolphins happy and healthy requires bright indirect light for about 6 to 8 hours a day. Place it near a window where it can receive plenty of sunlight without exposure to direct rays.

While the String of Dolphins is generally low-maintenance, keep an eye out for indoor pests like aphids. Regularly inspect your plant; if you spot any pest issues, use an insecticidal soap spray to control them.

String of Hearts

String of Hearts

The String of Hearts, also known as Ceropegia woodii, is characterized by its heart-shaped foliage. It combines dark green, silver, and purple leaves into one string-like plant.

Unlike some other trailing succulents, the String of Hearts doesn’t grow bushy or dense. Instead, it maintains a delicate and wispy appearance.

Its slender stems can grow up to 3 meters long, making it perfect for cascading down from hanging baskets or elevated planters.

During the summer months, it produces small flowers that resemble tiny purple lanterns. These delicate blooms are a lovely addition to the overall appeal of the plant and add an extra touch of natural beauty.

Caring for a String of Hearts is relatively easy. It thrives in bright indirect sunlight, so placing it in a well-lit room will provide the ideal light conditions.

Watering should be done sparingly but thoroughly when the top inch of soil feels dry. Overwatering can cause its delicate roots to rot, so it’s essential to prevent water from sitting in its container or saucer.

String of Bananas

String of Bananas

This low-maintenance indoor plant is perfect for beginners, as it’s less particular about light and water requirements compared to other hanging succulents.

The oblong, banana-shaped leaves of the String of Bananas are approximately an inch long and resemble small green bananas, making it a fun and unique addition to your collection.

Here are four reasons why you should consider adding the String of Bananas to your indoor garden:

  1. Easy Maintenance: The String of Bananas is known for its ability to thrive in various light conditions, making it adaptable to different environments. It requires bright indirect sunlight and well-draining soil but can tolerate lower light levels if necessary.
  1. Cascading Beauty: When mature, the plants can trail up to 4 feet in length, creating a cascading effect that adds dimension and visual interest to any room. Whether you hang it in a basket or let it spill over from a shelf or ledge, the String of Bananas will bring life and vitality to your home.
  1. Charming Flowers: In addition to its unique foliage, the String of Bananas produces delicate lavender, yellow, or white flowers that add extra charm when they bloom. While not overly showy, these blossoms provide a lovely accent against the backdrop of lush green foliage.
  1. Propagation Made Easy: If you want more plants or wish to share this delightful succulent with friends and family, you can easily propagate the String of Bananas by rooting stem pieces just like you would with the String of Pearls.

String of Nickels

String of Nickels

This uncommon succulent, also known as Dischidia nummularia, is effortless to grow and adds exotic beauty to your space.

The String of Nickels gets its name from its round, firm leaves that resemble strands of coins. The leaves can range in color from very light olive green to a shade of bronze, giving it an intriguing appearance.

As an epiphyte, the String of Nickels has the ability to grow on other structures instead of being planted in the ground. This quality makes it a perfect choice for hanging baskets or mounting on driftwood or other decorative pieces.

Caring for the String of Nickels is straightforward. It thrives in bright indirect light, so it is ideal to place it near a window with filtered sunlight.

As in the case of other succulents, watering should be done sparingly, allowing the soil to dry out between waterings.

Ruby Necklace

Ruby Necklace

Enhance your indoor oasis with the vibrant and cascading beauty of the Ruby Necklace succulent.

This South African native is a low-growing ground cover that features rosette-shaped, fleshy leaves. The leaves are typically green with a reddish hue that becomes more pronounced in bright light.

Here are some key features and care tips for the Ruby Necklace succulent:

  • Appearance: The Ruby Necklace has small, green leaves with a reddish tint. Its thin stems produce yellow blooms in the summer.
  • Propagation: You can propagate this succulent through leaf or stem cuttings, as well as division.
  • Uses: It is perfect for succulent gardens, window sills, and terrariums.
  • Light Requirements: The Ruby Necklace thrives in full sun to partial shade. Place it near a sunny window where it can receive bright indirect light.
  • Soil Type: Use well-draining cactus/succulent soil to prevent root rot and promote healthy growth.
  • Hardiness: The Ruby Necklace is known for its ability to withstand prolonged drought and resist pests and diseases.

String of Tears

String of Tears

The String of Tears offers compact spherical foliage and cinnamon-scented white flowers.

This slow-growing trailing succulent features tendrils reaching up to 35 inches in length. Its unique structure closely resembles the popular String of Pearls but with a more condensed and spherical shape.

One of the standout features of the String of Tears is its vertical, semi-translucent line that runs along each leaf’s tip. This line helps with photosynthesis by allowing light to penetrate the foliage more effectively.

When caring for your String of Tears, provide it with bright indirect sunlight and well-draining soil. This succulent is adaptable to different growing environments and can thrive both indoors and outdoors.

The Bottom Line

Adding these top 10 hanging succulents to your collection is an outstanding way to make your garden even more visually appealing than it is right now.

It’s also a superb option if you are yet to begin your gardening adventure. Sprucing up your home with trailing succulent plants saves space and breathes life into dull corners. Indeed, it’s a smart and stylish way to go green in your home interiors.

Whether you choose the trailing nature of the String of Pearls or the tear-drop-shaped leaves of the String of Tears, each succulent has its own unique charm.

So go ahead and bring some greenery into your space with these low-maintenance and visually appealing plants.

Frequently Asked Questions

How often should I water my hanging succulents?

Water your hanging succulents every 10 days to 2 weeks, allowing the soil to dry out between waterings. In winter or indoors, water less frequently.

Can hanging succulents be grown indoors?

Yes, hanging succulents can be grown indoors. They thrive in bright indirect sunlight and require well-draining soil. Popular varieties like String of Pearls, Burro’s Tail, and String of Hearts are perfect for adding greenery to your indoor spaces.

What is the best type of soil for hanging succulents?

The best soil type for these plants is well-draining soil designed explicitly for cacti and succulents. Using this soil type will help you prevent root rot and overwatering.

How much sunlight do hanging succulents need?

Hanging succulents need bright, indirect sunlight — usually about seven hours per day.

Can I propagate hanging succulents?

Yes, you can! It’s a great way to expand your collection. Simply take cuttings from the parent plant, let them dry out for a few days, and then place them in well-draining soil.

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