Bulbs to Plant in Fall

by Jack Grover
white colored flower
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Fall is a season of transition, where vibrant colors fade, and nature prepares for winter slumber. But that doesn’t mean your garden has to follow suit.

Like a painter adding final brushstrokes to a masterpiece, you can create a stunning display of blooms in the coming spring and summer by planting bulbs this fall.

Imagine your garden as a canvas, waiting to be adorned with bursts of color and delicate textures.

With careful selection and proper care, you can transform your outdoor space into a botanical wonderland. From the cheerful crocuses to the majestic lilies, countless bulb varieties thrive when planted in the fall.

Below, we present seven bulbs that are perfect for fall planting. Whether you’re an experienced gardener or just starting on this green journey, join us as we delve into the world of fall bulbs — nature’s promise of beauty yet to come.


Crocuses are members of the iris family and are known for being the first sign of spring. These low-growing perennials form clusters of petite blooms in various shades, including white, yellow, orange, pink, and violet.

They make a beautiful addition to rock gardens, borders, or even containers on your patio or balcony. Their vibrant colors will bring joy and beauty to your garden as they herald the arrival of warmer days ahead.

Crocus bulbs are easy to plant and can thrive in USDA Grow Zones 3-8.

To ensure successful growth, choose a location in your garden that receives full sun or partial shade. Crocuses prefer well-draining soil that is moist but not overly wet.

Before planting, prepare the soil by removing weeds and loosening it with a garden fork.

To plant crocus bulbs:

  1. Dig holes to a depth of about three times the size of the bulb.
  1. Place each bulb in the hole with its pointed end facing up.
  1. Space them about 2-4 inches apart to allow room for growth.
  1. Gently cover the bulbs with soil and pat it down firmly.

Once planted, water your crocus bulbs thoroughly to help settle the soil around them. Water regularly throughout the fall season until the ground freezes.

After planting, you can look forward to seeing these delightful flowers bloom in early spring.


Daffodils, with their vibrant colors and varied flower shapes, add a burst of cheer to any garden.

These resilient bulbs aren’t just beautiful but also have the added benefit of being resistant to squirrels, deer, and chipmunks. You can enjoy their delightful blooms without worrying about critters feasting on them.

One of the reasons daffodils are so popular is because they come in a wide range of colors.

While most people think of daffodils as being yellow, they actually come in many other hues, such as pink, orange, white, and even multicolor varieties. It allows you to choose the perfect color palette for your garden or landscape design.

In addition to their diverse colors, daffodils offer a wide array of flower shapes. From classic trumpet-shaped blooms to flat rings and roselike cups, there is sure to be a daffodil shape that appeals to your aesthetic preferences.

When planting daffodils, ensure they have well-draining soil. Amending the soil with organic matter or compost can improve drainage and provide nutrients for healthy growth.

Plant daffodils at least 6 inches deep and 6 inches apart to give them room to thrive and spread over time.

Daffodils look especially stunning when planted in large drifts in ground cover beds or meadows. They can also create a lovely contrast when planted under hostas or other shade-loving plants. Their bright blooms stand out against the backdrop of green foliage and create a focal point in any landscape.


Immerse your senses in the intoxicating fragrance and vibrant colors of hyacinths as these compact flowers beckon early pollinators to your garden.

Hyacinths are a must-have for any spring garden, adding a burst of color and a delightful scent. These highly fragrant flowers thrive in well-draining soil and can be planted in zones 3 to 8. They particularly enjoy the cold winter period, making them perfect for those regions with cooler climates.

To ensure successful growth, plant hyacinth bulbs in well-draining soil. It will prevent waterlogging and allow the roots to establish themselves properly.

Additionally, make sure to choose a location that receives full sun or partial shade, as this will provide the optimal growing conditions for these beautiful blooms.

Hyacinth bulbs should be planted in the fall before the first frost. This timing allows them to go through their required dormant period during the winter months, which is essential for their growth in warmer weather.

While hyacinths can tolerate periods of dryness due to the moisture provided by rain and snow during winter, it’s important to give them a drink if things get excessively dry for an extended period.


Tulips are pretty easy to grow. But, most importantly, they bring a touch of elegance and charm to any outdoor space with their wide range of colors and elegant cup-like petals.

Tulips prefer soil that doesn’t retain too much moisture, as this can cause the bulbs to rot. If you’re unsure about the drainage in your garden, you can add organic matter to improve the soil structure.

Tulips thrive in zones 3 to 8, where they can experience the cold winter period necessary for their growth.

However, if you live in a warmer climate, fret not! Many tulip companies offer pre-chilled bulbs that are specifically designed for warmer zones. These bulbs have been treated so they will bloom even in areas with milder winters.

To plant tulip bulbs, dig a hole 6 to 8 inches deep. Place three to five bulbs at the bottom of the hole and cover them with soil. Adding a fresh layer of compost on top will provide additional nutrients for healthy growth.

Here are some popular types of tulips you can consider planting in your backyard garden:

  • Single Early
  • Triumph
  • Darwin Hybrid
  • Parrot
  • Lily-flowered


With their sweet scent and elegant blooms, lilies are easily recognizable — even by beginner gardeners. These flowering bulbs are not only prized for their fragrance but also for their ruggedness.

When planting lilies, it’s best to start with the largest bulbs you can afford because larger bulbs tend to be more hardy and will produce larger blooms.

Lilies don’t tolerate soggy soil as they’re prone to rotting. Besides, lilies don’t go into full dormancy like other bulbs, so it’s crucial to leave the plants standing after they bloom and continue watering them regularly.

One of the great things about lilies is that they offer a long blooming period if you choose different lily species that flower at different times. Here are some popular varieties:

  1. Asiatic Lilies (Lilium longiflorum x Asiatic hybrid): These early-season lilies will be the first to bloom in your garden, offering vibrant colors and bold petals.
  1. Turk’s Cap Lilies or Martagons (Lilium martagon): Known for their unique backward-curved petals, these lilies will start opening as the Asiatic lilies begin to fade.
  1. Trumpet Lilies (Lilium longiflorum): With their majestic height and trumpet-shaped blooms, these lilies herald peak summer in your garden.
  1. Oriental Lilies (Lilium hybrids): Considered the most fragrant of all lily varieties, oriental lilies bloom late in the season, offering stunning colors and intricate petal patterns.


As the winter frost begins to melt away, a delicate flower emerges from the ground, bringing with it a sense of enchantment and wonder.

Snowdrops (Galanthus) are charming white bells that mark the arrival of late winter and early spring. These dainty blooms create a magical atmosphere in any garden or landscape.

Snowdrops have a unique quality that sets them apart from other bulbs — deer, voles, and critters do not like to eat them. If you’ve had trouble with these pests damaging your plants, snowdrops can be an excellent alternative.

When planted en masse, they create a stunning display that’ll transport you into a fairy tale.

Regarding growing snowdrops, they’re adaptable and can thrive in full or partial shade. However, they do prefer moist soil, unlike many other bulbs.

Planting snowdrops 3 inches deep and 3 inches apart will allow them enough space to spread and fill your garden with their delicate beauty.

To ensure plentiful blooms, add leaf mold or compost at planting time.

Dutch Irises

Dutch irises, grown from small bulbs, are commonly found in florist bouquets due to their unique beauty.

When planting these flowers, it’s vital to ensure excellent soil drainage to prevent bulb rot. Planting the bulbs three to four inches deep is sufficient, avoiding excessive depth.

With their low-maintenance nature, Dutch irises are relatively easy to grow. They thrive in full sun to partial shade and require rich, moderately moist soil that drains well.

One thing to consider with Dutch irises is that their flowers only bloom for around two weeks in late spring to early summer. To fully enjoy their beauty, it’s advisable to plant a large drift of these stunning flowers.

Furthermore, while Dutch irises make excellent cut flowers, it’s important to note the blooms only last up to five days after cutting.

In terms of USDA growing zones, Dutch irises typically flourish in zones 6 through 9. They come in a diverse range of colors, including blue, maroon, violet, white, and yellow.

Final Thoughts

Now that you have all the information you need about fall bulbs, it’s time to get out there and start planting!

As the cool breeze of autumn sweeps through your garden, imagine the vibrant colors and delicate textures that’ll grace your space come spring. With each bulb carefully nestled in the earth, you’re sowing the seeds of beauty and anticipation.

You can enrich your garden with diverse flowers, from daffodils and hyacinths to crocuses and snowdrops. So grab your shovel, embrace the joy of gardening, and let nature’s magic unfold before your eyes.

Happy planting!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I plant crocuses in containers?

Yes, you can plant crocuses in containers. It is a popular option for those with limited garden space or who want to bring the vibrant colors of crocuses indoors.

How deep should I plant daffodil bulbs?

Plant your daffodil bulbs 6-8 inches deep, measuring from the base of the bulb. This depth provides adequate insulation and stability for the bulb while allowing the shoots to emerge easily in spring.

Do hyacinths need full sun or partial shade?

Hyacinths thrive in full sun to partial shade. They prefer well-drained soil and should be planted at a depth of three times their size.

Can tulips be grown in warmer climates?

Tulips can be grown in warmer climates but may require pre-cooling or refrigeration before planting. They need a period of dormancy and cooler temperatures to bloom successfully. It’s essential to choose tulip varieties suitable for your specific climate.

What is the best time to plant Dutch irises?

The best time to plant Dutch irises is in late summer or early fall, about 6-8 weeks before the first frost. This gives them enough time to establish their roots before the arrival of colder temperatures.

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