How to Care for Daisy Flowers

by Jack Grover
white daisy flowers during daytime
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Daisies are an eye-catching and fragrant addition to any garden or landscape. If you’re interested in planting, growing, and caring for daisies, then this article will guide you through the process step by step.

These beautiful flowers are not only eye-catching, but they are also low-maintenance and easy to care for, making them perfect for gardeners of all levels. 

In this article, we will guide you through the process of planting, growing, and caring for daisies, so you can enjoy their beauty and fragrance for years to come. So, let’s dive in and learn how to care for daisy flowers!

Key Takeaways:

  • Daisies, belonging to the Asteraceae family, are low-maintenance, vibrant, and fragrant flowers that are easy to care for, making them perfect for gardeners of all skill levels. They also have a long history of being used as a natural remedy for various health conditions. 
  • Planting daisies involves sowing seeds in Spring, placing them 1/8 inch deep in the soil, or using rooted plants. Provide plenty of sunlight and creating an ideal soil environment with a pH level between 6.0-8.0 and regular watering tasks will ensure optimal growth and blooming. 
  • Pruning is essential to stimulate new growth and increase the number of blooms. Prevent overcrowding of the root systems by dividing the root balls every other year, and prepare perennial daisies for winter by loosely cushioning mulch around each plant. 
  • Pests can be effectively managed through natural deterrents and companion planting, attracting beneficial insects with plants such as yarrow or cosmos. Choose a daisy variety suited to your garden environment and climate for a stunning display of blooms all season long.

Introducing Daisies

Daisies are a variety of flowering plants that belong to the aster family, known as Asteraceae. When we think of daisies, we often visualize the oxeye daisy, the Shasta daisy, and the English daisy. 

These plants are characterized by their composite flower heads, which consist of white ray flowers surrounding a center filled with bright yellow disk flowers. While white and yellow are the most common colors, daisies can also come in various other color combinations.

Use Of Daisies

Daisies are a beloved flower known for their beauty and vibrant colors. But there is much more to them than meets the eye. For centuries, people have used the natural remedies of wild daisies for a variety of health purposes.

Wild daisy tea is an old remedy known to be effective in relieving coughs, bronchitis, and various liver and kidney disorders. It can also reduce inflammation-related swelling. In addition, it is a powerful drying agent and blood purifier.

Homeopathic preparations made from daisies have been used to prevent complications during childbirth, ease pain and soreness, and stop minor bleeding. These beautiful flowers are a natural remedy for many different ailments.

Whether it’s respiratory support or natural remedies during pregnancy and postpartum recovery, daisies offer an all-natural solution that has been trusted for centuries. Their versatility and healing power make them an ideal choice for those seeking natural relief.

white colored flower

How To Plant Daisies

Bring the joy and beauty of daisies to your garden with a few simple steps.

Start by sowing daisy seeds in early Spring. You can sow them directly in the garden or use covered seed containers indoors. Make sure to plant the seeds about 1/8 inch deep in the soil, and you will see germination in 10-20 days.

If you prefer rooted plants, dig a hole twice as wide as the pot they came in. Place the plant in the hole, making sure that the top of the root ball is flush with the surface of the soil. Gently fill in the hole with soil and give your daisies plenty of sunlight. This will ensure that your daisies have optimal growth and blooming.

Soil And Watering

Creating the ideal environment for vibrant daisies is essential. It starts with the soil and watering.

The soil should be amended with organic matter, such as sand, peat moss, and composted manure. This provides essential nutrients for healthy root growth and stunning blooms. The pH level should be between 6.0-8.0, which is slightly acidic.

Watering is also important. Make sure to water daisy plants regularly, especially during dry spells and their blooming period. Avoid watering from the top, as this can cause mold and sun damage. If flower stems start to dry out or droop, act quickly. They might not fully recover.

An all-purpose organic fertilizer should be applied early in the season to promote strong growth. This will help ensure lush daisies all season long.


Pruning your daisy garden is essential for creating a beautiful and abundant display of vibrant blooms. As the flowers begin to fade, it is important to trim them off to encourage new growth. This not only increases the amount of blooms but it also helps prevent the growth of mold on decaying petals.

Additionally, pruning can help prevent overcrowding of the root systems. If not done regularly, this can lead to a decline in the daisy plant over time. To do this, every other year in the Fall you should dig up large daisy plants and separate the root balls with a garden shovel. Remove the thick woody center, and replant each section with a spacing of 10-12 inches.

Lastly, it is important to prepare your perennial daisies for winter. Loosely cushion mulch around each plant, taking care not to cover the leaves. This will protect the daisies from the cold winter temperatures and ensure your garden looks beautiful year-round.

daisy flower in a flower pot

Daisy Pests

Protecting your daisies from pests is essential for keeping them healthy and vibrant. Aphids, slugs, and earwigs are some of the most common daisy pests. They can cause significant damage to your flowers if not properly managed.

Fortunately, there are natural deterrents that can keep these pests away. Marigolds are a great companion plant for daisies, as they emit a strong scent that repels aphids and other insects. Interplanting daisies with herbs such as basil and chives can also help deter slugs and earwigs.

Attracting beneficial insects like ladybugs and lacewings to your garden is another effective way to protect your daisies and is also a positive move towards organic gardening. Planting flowers like yarrow or cosmos near your daisies will attract these helpful bugs, which feed on harmful pests.

By incorporating these companion plants into your garden bed, you can ensure a healthy and beautiful display of daisy flowers while keeping destructive pests away.

Suggested Daisy Varieties

Daisies are a classic favorite for gardeners, offering a bright splash of color and texture to any garden bed.

  • Osteospermum, Blue Eyed Beauty is a beautiful variety that is easy to care for, producing showstopping yellow petals with vibrant purple centers.
  • Shasta Crazy Daisy adds even more texture to the garden with its frilly 3-inch blooms.
  • Echinacea, Pink Shimmer is a tall variety that stands out from the crowd, with bright pink 3-5 inch blooms.
  • Painted Daisy plants make for great cutting gardens, and Marguerite Daisy is a repeat bloomer that offers a range of colors, including yellow, magenta, and pink.

All of these varieties will put on a show in your garden all season long.



Daisy flowers are a beautiful addition to any garden. With the right variety for your climate and proper planting techniques, you can enjoy the beauty of these lovely flowers for years to come.

Begin by selecting a daisy variety that is well-suited to your climate. Once you’ve chosen the right type, prepare the soil with well-draining material and create a small hole for the daisy plant. Place the plant in the hole and carefully cover it with soil. Be sure to water the plant regularly and fertilize it once in a while.

When caring for your daisy plants, watch out for pests and diseases. Prune them when necessary to keep them healthy. Be sure to follow the instructions of the variety you have chosen for the best results.

By following the steps above and providing your daisies with plenty of water and sunlight, you can enjoy their beautiful blooms for years to come. With proper care and attention, your daisy flowers will bring joy and beauty to your garden.

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