How To Grow Mint Indoors & Outdoors

by Jack Grover
green plant in black pot
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Are you a fan of the delicious, invigorating taste of mint? With the right tools and knowledge, you can have an endless supply of this herb at your fingertips. 

Fresh, aromatic, and versatile, mint is an essential herb that every aspiring gardener should have in their arsenal. From adding a refreshing zing to beverages and desserts to flavoring savory dishes and even repelling pests, mint is truly a superstar of the herb world. 

Whether you’re growing mint indoors or outdoors, this article will provide you with the necessary steps for success. So, roll up your sleeves, grab your gardening tools, and let’s dive into the wonderful world of growing mint!

Key Takeaways:

  • To ensure that your mint plants stay healthy and strong, you’ll need to provide them with proper watering and pruning. This will help to ward off pests and diseases.
  • If you are growing mint indoors, make sure the pot has good drainage and that the plant gets plenty of light. 
  • When growing outdoors, pick an area with plenty of sunlight and soil that drains well.

Introducing Mint

Mint is a fragrant herb from the mint family, native to many parts of the world. It has over 25 species, including peppermint and spearmint, and is widely used to add flavor to food and drinks.

Whether you choose to grow it indoors or outdoors, mint can add a refreshing burst of flavor to your dishes and drinks. It’s perfect for spicing up your culinary adventures!

Uses of Mint

Mint is a versatile herb with a variety of culinary and medicinal applications. Its distinct flavor adds a subtle, refreshing element to dishes such as salads, soups, and desserts. It is also a popular ingredient in teas, providing a calming effect on the body and mind.

Beyond its culinary uses, mint has numerous health benefits. It can improve digestion by soothing indigestion and reducing bloating. It also has properties that can help enhance brain function and memory retention. 

Additionally, its strong aroma helps mask bad breath, making it an excellent ingredient for oral hygiene products such as toothpaste and mouthwash.

Whether you’re looking to add flavor to your cooking or boost your overall well-being, mint is an herb that is worth exploring further. With its multiple culinary and medicinal uses, it is sure to provide a refreshing addition to your meals and your overall health.

Growing Mint Indoors Or Outdoors

If you’re starting off indoors, sow your seeds 8-10 weeks before the last frost in your area. Plant them 1/4 inch deep and lightly cover them with soil. Make sure to keep the soil moist and maintain a temperature of around 70 °F (21.11 °C). In 7-14 days, you will see the mint seeds germinating.

Once the danger of frost has passed, you can transplant the seedlings to pots indoors or outdoors. 

Outdoor planting should wait until after the last frost date in your region. Follow similar steps for sowing and watering. Thin out the seedlings when they have three or four true leaves, leaving about 18 inches between each plant.

Whether indoors or outdoors, growing mint is a delightful process. With the right care and attention, your plants will provide an aromatic herb to enjoy in your favorite recipes.

mint plant

Buying And Transplanting 

When buying mint plants, look for vibrant and healthy specimens with green leaves and sturdy stems. 

Avoid plants that have wilted or yellowed leaves, as this could be a sign of poor health. Examine the plant’s root system to ensure it’s well-developed and not overcrowded in its container.

Once you’ve selected your mint plant, it’s time to transplant it into its new home. Whether you’re growing indoors or outdoors, make sure the soil is well-draining and rich in organic matter. 

Gently remove the plant from its container and place it in a larger pot or directly into the ground. Make sure the roots are buried and covered with soil. Water thoroughly after transplanting and continue to provide regular moisture as needed.

Keep the soil moist and provide plenty of sunlight or artificial light, depending on where you decide to grow it. Regularly check the leaves for signs of wilting or yellowing, and adjust your care routine accordingly. 

Growing Mint in Pots, Raised Beds, And In-Ground Gardens

Growing mint in pots, raised beds, and in-ground gardens is relatively easy. Here are some tips to ensure a successful harvest:

  • When planting mint in isolated containers, choose pots with ample surface area rather than deep soil. Mint has tunneling roots that spread horizontally, so a wide pot is better. To prevent the roots from invading other plants, place a barrier around the container.
  • If you prefer to grow mint in-ground or in a raised bed, bury a barrier around the plant to contain its growth. This will help prevent the roots from spreading. During winter, use lightweight pots that can be easily brought indoors.
close up photo of mint plant

Soil And Nutrients

Growing mint is a lot easier than you might think! With rich, well-draining soil and adequate organic nutrients, your plants will be thriving in no time.

When it comes to soil, mint plants prefer a mixture that is rich in organic matter and well-draining. For those with in-ground gardens, adding organic material and well-decomposed compost to the soil will give your plants the nourishment they need to stay healthy and strong. If you are planting in containers, be sure to use premium potting soil to ensure proper drainage.

Fertilizing your mint plants is also an important part of the process. Generally, they don’t require a lot of fertilizer, so it’s best to feed them a slow-release organic fertilizer once a year when they emerge from dormancy or at the time of initial planting. However, be careful not to overfertilize, as this can cause your plants to become lanky or even die back.

Water And Pruning

Mint plants are vibrant and flavorful, but they require some special care to keep them thriving.

Water your mint plants regularly, but don’t overdo it. Aim for about an inch of water each week and water in the morning so that the plant has time to dry before nightfall. This will help prevent any disease that may be caused by overly soggy soil.

Pruning is also an important part of keeping your mint plants healthy. Simply snip off the tops of the plants regularly. This will encourage growth and help keep them from becoming woody. 

If you are growing mint outdoors, be sure to prune it vigorously at the end of the growing season or during dormancy in hot or colder climates.

As a bonus, you can also plant your mint in a container and let it flower. This will attract pollinators like honey bees, who use its nectar for honey production.

Pests and Diseases

Mint plants are vulnerable to pests and diseases like rust, leaf spot, and powdery mildew. The best way to keep your mint plants healthy and pest-free is to be proactive. Regular pruning and inspection of your plants are key.

When inspecting your plants, look for any insect pests and remove them either by hand or with a strong spray of water. Diseased leaves should be promptly removed and disposed of individually to prevent the spread of disease.

Rust, leaf spot, and powdery mildew can affect both indoor and outdoor mint plants. To protect your plants, it’s important to stay vigilant and take proactive measures. By doing so, you can ensure that your mint plants remain strong and healthy throughout the year.

Suggested Mint Varieties

When it comes to choosing mint varieties for your indoor and outdoor gardens, you’ll be spoiled for choice. 

Peppermint (Mentha x Piperita)

Known for its strong menthol flavor, peppermint is a classic choice for both culinary and medicinal uses. Its dark green leaves add a burst of freshness to beverages and desserts, and it also has natural pest-repellent properties.

Spearmint (Mentha spicata)

With a milder flavor compared to peppermint, spearmint is a versatile option that can be used in a variety of dishes and beverages. It is often used in cocktails, teas, and sauces due to its refreshing taste and aroma.

Chocolate Mint (Mentha x piperita f. citrata ‘Chocolate’)

With its rich, chocolatey aroma, it is perfect for flavoring ice cream, cookies, and hot chocolate. Its green and brown leaves add a touch of decorative beauty to your garden.

Pineapple Mint (Mentha suaveolens ‘Variegata’)

This variety has a delicate pineapple scent, which adds a tropical twist to your culinary creations. Its green and cream-speckled leaves make for an attractive addition to your herb garden.

Apple Mint (Mentha suaveolens)

Known for its fruity aroma, apple mint is a popular choice for teas and salads. Its pale green leaves and delicate white flowers give a refreshing look to your garden.

Harvesting Mint

Harvesting mint is an easy and rewarding process. Whether you’re growing it indoors or outdoors, regular harvesting will help ensure the best flavor in your dishes and beverages.

When cultivating mint indoors, you can start harvesting individual leaves as they reach maturity. It’s best to select younger leaves, as they tend to have a more robust flavor than their older counterparts.

If you’re planning to dry your mint, it’s recommended to cut the entire plant back before it flowers. This process works well for both indoor and outdoor cultivation.

person holding mint plant


Growing mint is an easy and rewarding experience. With a range of flavors to choose from, you can liven up your cooking or make an invigorating tea. Whether you decide to grow indoors or outdoors, mint is an incredibly resilient herb that needs little care.

So, set aside a space for mint in your garden, pot, or windowsill, and watch it flourish. With a little care and attention, you’ll have a bountiful supply of mint to enhance your dishes, delight your senses, and impress your friends and family. Happy mint growing!

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