What Is the Best Way to Plant Amaryllis Bulbs?

by Jack Grover
Amaryllis Bulbs Flower
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With their vibrant hues and flamboyant blooms, amaryllis flowers are a joy to behold. These winter-blooming plants can transform any space into an exotic oasis.

If you’ve been toying with the idea of growing these beauties but aren’t quite sure where to start, worry not. This guide will equip you with all the knowledge necessary to plant, grow, and enjoy your own amaryllis bulbs.

From understanding flower requirements to a step-by-step planting guide to care tips post-planting — we have got you covered. Now, let’s delve into the captivating world of amaryllis cultivation!

Key Factors to Consider Before Planting

Planting amaryllis bulbs is more than just a simple act of burying them in soil. Several key factors come into play, each contributing significantly to the health, growth, and ultimate bloom of your bulb.

From the pH and composition of your soil to understanding the right light and temperature conditions, the timing of planting, and picking your amaryllis bulbs — these elements all form a blueprint for successful amaryllis cultivation.

Soil pH & Composition

While amaryllis isn’t particularly demanding about its soil, setting the right stage with the perfect soil mix can truly make a difference in your plant’s growth and bloom.

Aim to provide a well-draining, rich environment that’ll mimic its natural habitat.

To achieve this, you’ll need a concoction of:

  • two parts nutrient-dense loam soil,
  • one part perlite for drainage,
  • one part well-decomposed compost for that organic touch.

A blend of this ratio ensures the right balance of nutrients, breathability, and water retention — creating a comfortable home for your amaryllis bulbs.

Now let’s talk pH. Amaryllis prefers a slightly acidic to neutral soil environment. This means a pH level between 6.0 to 6.8 is your sweet spot.

Measuring your soil’s pH may sound like a high school science experiment, but it’s quite simple with a pH testing kit from your local garden center.

Learn More: How To Check the pH Level of the Soil

If your soil leans more towards being alkaline (pH above 7), don’t fret. You can easily lower the pH level by incorporating sulfur or using acidifying fertilizers. On the other hand, if your soil is too acidic (pH below 6), garden lime comes in handy to raise the pH.

Light & Temperature

Capturing the essence of their tropical origins, amaryllis bulbs flourish in conditions that offer ample light and warmth.

These sunlight-loving plants need at least four hours of direct sunlight each day. A windowsill that faces south is an excellent spot, but any location bathed in abundant sunshine will do just fine. 

The importance of adequate light can’t be overstressed. It’s not just about ensuring your plant stays alive — sufficient light influences the vibrancy of the blooms and the overall health of your amaryllis. So, position your plant thoughtfully to ensure it receives the best light exposure.

When it comes to temperature, amaryllis enjoys a warm environment with temperatures between 65°F and 75°F during its growth phase. This warmth mirrors its natural habitat and encourages optimal growth.

However, there’s a twist in this tropical tale. To bloom again, amaryllis bulbs require a period of dormancy, much akin to their counterparts growing in temperate climates.

During this rest phase, move your bulb to a cool, dark space where the temperature remains above 55°F but is noticeably cooler than its regular spot. This cool-down period tricks the bulb into thinking it’s winter, setting the stage for another round of spectacular blooming once it “wakes up.”


The beauty of growing amaryllis lies not only in their vibrant blooms but also in the ability to time these blooms to your advantage. Whether you’re nurturing amaryllis as a heartwarming gift or planning to deck your halls with their festive colors, knowing when to plant is crucial.

The best times are usually late September through April. However, if you want your blooms for the holidays, keep in mind that amaryllis bulbs typically bloom 8 to 10 weeks post-planting.

This predictable schedule allows you to orchestrate your blooms according to your calendar.

  • Dreaming of a Christmas adorned with amaryllis flowers? Then mark your calendar for just after Halloween; this is the ideal time to nestle your bulbs into their soil beds. 
  • Meanwhile, if romantic Valentine’s Day blossoms are on your mind, the turn of the year is when you should be planting. A New Year’s Day planting session will reward you with stunning blooms just in time for a Valentine’s Day surprise.

Remember that these guidelines are just that — guides. Nature occasionally likes to keep us on our toes with early or late bloomers. But by and large, if you plant your amaryllis bulbs during these suggested windows, you’ll have blooming success right when you want it.

Buying Amaryllis Bulbs

Amaryllis bulbs are available in various forms, from dormant bulbs to fully bloomed plants. However, the real joy lies in nurturing a dormant bulb and marveling as it transforms into a stunning display of vibrant blooms.

maryllis Bulbs

First things first: decide on the variety you want to grow. Thanks to centuries of dedicated hybridization by Dutch breeders, we now have hundreds of amaryllis cultivars at our fingertips.

From compact 12-inch stalks perfect for window sills to towering 24-inch beauties that make a statement, there’s an amaryllis for every preference.

Each bulb can usually produce two flower stalks, each boasting 4 to 6 glorious flowers.

If you’re selecting your bulb from a physical garden center or nursery, opt for the largest bulb of the desired variety available. This is not about size vanity; larger bulbs tend to produce more stalks and, consequently, more blooms.

  • Examine each potential purchase closely for firmness and dryness.
  • Avoid any bulbs showing signs of mold or decay.
  • Don’t be alarmed if you see a hint of new growth at the tip — it’s not uncommon and signals your bulb’s readiness to grow.

For those preferring online shopping, choose a reputable source renowned for their quality. This ensures you get prime, healthy bulbs delivered straight to your doorstep.

Online retailers often sell amaryllis bulbs as complete kits, including a decorative container, potting medium, and handy growing instructions — an ideal choice for beginners or as thoughtful gifts.

Always make sure you start with high-quality amaryllis bulbs. This initial investment will pay off handsomely when you’re rewarded with a magnificent show of blossoms brightening up your space.

How to Plant Amaryllis Bulbs: Step-by-Step Instructions

As with many facets of gardening, there’s more than one way to plant amaryllis bulbs. Whether you prefer traditional soil planting or the more avant-garde water cultivation method, below, you’ll find a comprehensive guide to help you navigate both methods successfully.

However, do bear in mind that the sun-loving amaryllis generally thrives best indoors.

Remember: Regardless of your chosen planting method, it’s a good idea to trim spent roots from the base of the bulb. These are remnants from last year and won’t contribute to this season’s growth.

Planting in a Pot with Soil

  1. Select a pot with a drainage hole at the bottom. This is non-negotiable, as proper drainage is crucial for the bulb’s health. You can improve drainage by adding some small garden stones or marbles at the bottom of your pot.
  2. Fill your pot about one-third of the way up with soil.
  3. Position your bulb root-side down in the center of the pot on top of the soil.
  4. Adjust your soil level as needed so that the shoulder of the bulb aligns with the top rim of your pot, leaving about one-third of your bulb exposed.
  5. Fill in the rest of the pot with soil, pressing gently around your bulb but being careful not to bury it completely. For an aesthetic touch, you can loosely arrange some moss around the base of your bulb.
  6. Give your newly planted bulb a light watering to initiate its wake-up call.

Planting in a Glass Bowl with Water

  1. Find a tapered glass bowl that will snugly fit your bulb at its top tier. Pour water into the bottom portion of your tapered bowl.
  2. Gently place your bulb into the top tier so that only its base touches the water’s surface. The key here is ensuring that only the roots are submerged and not the bulb itself.
  3. Start off by placing your bowl in a cool location until you notice signs of life from your bulb — typically manifested as root growth reaching towards the water and a small shoot sprouting from its top.
  4. Once these signs appear, gradually introduce your amaryllis plant into a sunny spot.
  5. Keep an eye on your water clarity and change it if it starts appearing cloudy, always ensuring that roots remain submerged.

Whichever method you choose, remember that patience is as much a part of gardening as any tool or technique. It may be weeks before you see any significant growth, but rest assured — when those stunning amaryllis blooms finally burst forth, they’ll be worth every moment of anticipation!

Amaryllis Care Tips

Successfully planting your amaryllis bulbs is only the first leg of your journey. Ensuring their ongoing health and vitality requires consistent care and attention, especially during their active growth and blooming phases.


Watering is an art and science with amaryllis bulbs. Too much water can be as detrimental as too little, and finding the sweet spot is key to the health and vitality of your blooms.

After planting your bulb, give it a hearty initial watering. This acts like an alarm clock, stirring the bulb from its slumber and signaling that it’s time to work its magic.

Post the initial soak, moderation is the name of the game. Water your amaryllis no more than once a week. This may seem sparse, especially if you are used to daily watering with other plants. However, amaryllis bulbs are susceptible to overwatering, which can lead to rotting — the nemesis of any bulb.

Rotting is not just damaging; it can be fatal for your amaryllis. It occurs when too much water suffocates the bulb, causing it to lose its firmness and turn mushy to touch. This can be easily avoided by adhering to a strict once-a-week watering schedule and ensuring your soil is well-draining.

As your plant grows and buds start appearing, maintain this watering frequency unless you notice signs of stress, like wilting or browning leaves. Once the blooming phase is over, gradually taper off watering again.


Just as we need regular meals to thrive, so does your amaryllis.

Feed it with a balanced fertilizer every 2-3 weeks during its growth and bloom periods. This provides the essential nutrients your plant needs to produce those stunning flowers we all love. 

Remember: Over-fertilizing can be harmful, so stick to the recommended frequency and dosage.


Rotate your plant periodically. Amaryllis has a strong affinity for light and tends to grow towards it, which can result in lopsided growth if left unchecked.

By rotating your plant every few days, you ensure that all sides receive an equal share of light, promoting balanced growth and uniformity.


Pruning isn’t strictly necessary for amaryllis bulbs, but it can help maintain their health and appearance. The process begins once the flowers have bloomed and lived their short, glorious lives.

  1. As each flower wilts, remove it promptly by cutting just below the small bulbous area behind the spent bloom. This action discourages seed formation, which can drain energy from the bulb and reduce future blooms.
  2. Once all the flowers on a stalk have wilted and been removed, it’s time to cut back the stalk itself. Trim it down to within 2 inches of the base of the plant, taking care not to damage the leaves in the process.

Why leave the leaves? This is where photosynthesis comes into play. After flowering, the plant’s leaves work overtime to process sunlight into energy. This energy then gets transferred into the bulb, providing sustenance for the next growing season.

So, treat your leafy amaryllis as a houseplant for several months post-blooming, allowing it to store energy.

Eventually, as summer gives way to fall, you’ll notice the foliage starting to fade naturally. When this happens, cut it back to 1-2 inches above the bulb. Now your amaryllis has come full circle and is ready for its winter rest.

Dig up your bulb and store it in a cool, dry, dark place for about 6 to 8 weeks. During this dormant period, your amaryllis won’t need any water or attention until September rolls around again.

Throughout this cycle of growth, bloom, rest, and repeat, remember that patience and observation are key. Each amaryllis is unique and may require slight adjustments in care.

Still, with these care tips in your gardening toolkit, you’re well-equipped to foster a thriving amaryllis that rewards you with breathtaking blooms year after year.


There you have it — your guide on how to plant amaryllis bulbs successfully.

As you can see, planting amaryllis bulbs is much more than a simple gardening exercise. It is a dance with nature, a journey of anticipation and reward, and a testament to life’s beautiful cycles.

Remember, gardening isn’t about getting everything perfect on the first try; it’s about learning, adapting, and growing — both as a gardener and alongside your plants.

So, whether you’re an experienced green thumb or a beginner embarking on your first horticultural adventure, we hope this guide proves useful in your amaryllis cultivation journey. Happy planting!

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