Growing Catnip: Planting Care and Tips

by Jack Grover
water drops on green leaf
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Are you interested in growing catnip? If so, you’ve come to the right place. Here, we will provide you with all the information you need to successfully grow catnip.

We’ll explore the various uses of catnip, as well as how it affects cats. We’ll also provide tips on planting and caring for catnip, including soil type and light conditions. We’ll discuss temperature requirements, watering techniques, and nutrient needs.

Pruning is an important part of maintaining healthy catnip growth and promoting blooming. We’ll show you how to do this effectively. Finally, we’ll talk about how catnip can be used as a natural way to repel garden pests.

With these tips, you’ll have a thriving catnip garden that both you and your feline friends can enjoy. So let’s get started!

Key Takeaways:

  • Growing and Care: Catnip is relatively simple to grow provided it is planted in well-drained soil, receives ample sunlight, proper watering pattern, alongside occasional pruning to aid healthy growth and desired shape. 
  • Uses: Catnip is not only aesthetically pleasing and beneficial to cats but also possesses medicinal properties, offering relief from digestive issues and acting as a sleep inducer. Additionally, it can be used as a natural pest repellent in gardens, as it’s known to deter pests like cabbage loopers, aphids, flea beetles, and mice.
  • Planting Tips: Seeds of catnip require a stratification process, including freezing for two months and then soaking in warm water before planting. They should be sown indoors and transplanted only after they have sufficiently hardened off to withstand outdoor temperatures. 
  • Temperature and Nutritional Needs: Catnip thrives in a temperature range of 55 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit and in sandy soil with a pH range of 4.9 to 7.5. While average to poor soil quality is enough for its growth, importantly, the soil should be well-draining to avoid root rot.

What Are Catnips?

Catnip—scientifically known as Nepeta cataria—is a plant native to Eurasia but found worldwide in temperate regions. It is often found around roadsides or field edges and has a pungent odor that some people may not appreciate.

Growing catnip is actually quite simple as long as you provide the right environment. Start by planting catnip in well-drained soil and providing ample sunlight. Regular watering and occasional pruning will help keep the plant healthy and ensure it grows in the desired shape.

Providing your furry friend with a catnip garden will ensure hours of entertainment and happiness. It is important to follow the scientific guidelines of planting and caring for catnip to ensure a successful garden. With the right environment, you can enjoy the pleasure of watching your cat play in its own little paradise.

purple leaf plant

Some Uses For Catnip

Catnip is a great addition to any garden, offering both aesthetic beauty and potential health benefits. Its pungent aroma can help repel pests and attract beneficial insects, while its vibrant flowers add color and texture.

Historically, catnip has been used medicinally to provide relief from digestive issues such as diarrhea, gas, and stomach cramps. Its soothing effects on the intestinal tract and muscle spasms make it a popular remedy. In fact, it was even used to treat infants with colic, to help relieve their discomfort and encourage better sleep.

Catnip tea has been used for centuries, and its effectiveness has been backed up by traditional knowledge passed down through generations. This makes it an attractive option for gardeners looking for natural ways to promote health and wellness.

Not only is catnip a great addition to your garden, but it can also provide health benefits for both humans and cats alike. So why not give it a try and see how it can improve your garden?

Catnip for Cats

Catnip can be a great training aid for cats. It can help keep cats from clawing furniture and encourage them to play with toys and scratching posts instead.

cat beside green plant

Growing catnip is an involved process, but it can be rewarding for both you and your feline friend. With patience and attention, you can provide your cat with a great source of fun, enrichment, and entertainment.

Catnip As Garden Pest Repellant

Catnip is a natural guardian for your garden. Its oils act as a powerful pest repellent, protecting your vegetables from pests such as cabbage loopers, aphids, squash bugs, weevils, flea beetles, Japanese beetles, potato beetles, moles, voles, ground squirrels, and mice. These oils and their unpleasant smell keep these pests away from your plants.

Using organic gardening methods, you can use catnip as a pest repellent by simply planting it in your vegetable garden. This will keep your garden free of pests without the use of harmful chemicals. Additionally, cats will be attracted to the catnip but won’t do any damage to your plants.

Incorporating catnip into your garden is an excellent way to keep pests like flea beetles away and keep your plants safe. Nature can be a powerful ally in pest control – use catnip to protect your garden!

How To Plant Catnip

Growing catnip in your garden is possible with the right preparation. Start by finding a sunny spot for the plants and making sure the soil is well-drained.

Catnip seeds require a process called stratification in order to germinate, which involves freezing the seeds in a plastic bag for two months. This will soften the hard seed coat and allow water to penetrate the seed.

Once the two-month freezing process is complete, soak the seeds in warm water overnight before planting. Use a premium seed starting mix indoors, sowing the seeds about ¼-inch deep. Place the seed trays in a sunny spot, and the sprouts should emerge within three weeks.

Before transplanting the seedlings into the garden, make sure to harden them off first, so they can adjust to the outdoor temperatures. To ensure successful growth, make sure each plant has enough space, at least 20-24 inches apart.

Soil, Light and Temperature

Catnip is a perennial herb that can thrive in a variety of soil types, provided that it is well-draining. Sandy soil is ideal for optimal growth, as it allows excess moisture to drain away and prevents root rot. Additionally, the soil should have a pH range of 4.9 to 7.5.

When it comes to light, catnip needs to receive at least six hours of direct sunlight daily or partial shade. While the herb can tolerate some shade, it is likely to grow more vigorously when it receives more sunlight.

Temperature also plays an important role in catnip’s growth. The ideal temperature range for this herbaceous plant is between 55 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Too cold or too hot can have a negative impact on its health.

Water and Nutrients

Watering and fertilizing are key components for successful catnip growth. When it comes to watering, the trick is to find a balance between too much and too little. Catnip plants need soil that is well-draining to let their roots breathe, so overwatering can lead to root rot. The best way to water is to allow the soil to dry out between sessions, then thoroughly soak the planting area.

Nutrition is another important factor. Catnip plants don’t need much in the way of fertilizer, so you can save time and money by skipping this step. Average to poor soil quality is all that’s needed for vigorous growth and vibrant catnip plants.

With the right care, you can enjoy lush and beautiful catnip all year round.


Cut back catnip plants with pruning shears after the plant’s first flowering to promote subsequent blooming. These perennial bloomers can grow quite bushy over time. Divide plants every three to four years.

To promote subsequent blooming, it is recommended to prune catnip plants with sheers after the plant’s first flowering. These perennial bloomers have a tendency to grow quite bushy over time. 

Therefore, it is important to maintain their shape and encourage new growth. Pruning shears can be used to remove any dead or spent flowers and stimulate the production of fresh blooms. This process also helps prevent the plant from becoming too leggy or overgrown.

In addition to pruning, dividing catnip plants every three to four years can also be beneficial. This process involves carefully separating the root ball into smaller sections and replanting them in different areas of the garden. 

Dividing not only helps control the size of the plant but also promotes better air circulation and prevents overcrowding. By dividing catnip plants, you can keep them healthy and encourage new growth.

image of green leaf plant


Growing catnip is easy when you know the basics. Besides its many uses, catnip can also be used to repel garden pests. 

With proper scientific horticultural practices, you can grow healthy catnip plants and enjoy their many benefits.

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